
  1. 1. Go to the dashboard and create an API Key
  2. 2. Include the API Key in your request under the Authorization header, like so:
  3. Authorization: Bearer 12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-87654321
  4. (replacing the dummy value with your own key)



Method: POST

Request body:

   "text": string, // The text to convert to speech
   "voiceId": string, // The voice ID you would like to use
   "speed": number // Optional. Defaults to 1.0

Response format:

   "audioUrl": string, // Make a GET request to this URL to retrieve the audio file
   "billedAudioLength": number, // The number of seconds you were billed for this generation

List voices


Method: GET

Response format:

        "voiceName": string,
        "previewAudioUrl": string | null, // Will be adding support for this soon
        "id": string, // Use this in the TTS request
        "details": null | {
            "voiceId": string, // Same as id
            "description": string,
            "previewImageUrl": string,
            "originCountryCode": string, // ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
            "genderCode": "M" | "F"